A célnyelvi országok kultúrája B1, B2 és C1 szinten is nyelvvizsgatéma. Hogy ne csak a kísértetek és a csokigyűjtés jusson eszetekbe a közelgő Halloweenről, íme 10 tény az ünnepről angolul.
- Halloween dates back more than 2,000 years. It started as the Celtic festival called, Samhain [ˈsɑːwɪn], meaning “summer’s end.
- Jack-o’-laterns used to be carved out turnips, potatoes and beets.
- Apple bobbing is originally a Roman tradition.
- Trick-or-treating started in the Middle Ages. In Scotland and Ireland, it was called ‘guising’.
- 19th-century immigrants popularized Halloween in the USA.
- The fear of Halloween is called Samhainophobia.
- If you wear your clothes inside out and walk backwards on Halloween, you will see a witch at midnight.
- Halloween is the second-largest commercial holiday in the USA.
- Americans spend about $3 billion on candy every year.
- Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.