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10 Fun Facts About Halloween

A célnyelvi országok kultúrája B1, B2 és C1 szinten is nyelvvizsgatéma. Hogy ne csak a kísértetek és a csokigyűjtés jusson eszetekbe a közelgő Halloweenről, íme 10 tény az ünnepről angolul.

  1. Halloween dates back more than 2,000 years. It started as the Celtic festival called, Samhain [ˈsɑːwɪn], meaning “summer’s end.
  2. Jack-o’-laterns used to be carved out turnips, potatoes and beets.
  3. Apple bobbing is originally a Roman tradition.
  4. Trick-or-treating started in the Middle Ages. In Scotland and Ireland, it was called ‘guising’.
  5. 19th-century immigrants popularized Halloween in the USA.
  6. The fear of Halloween is called Samhainophobia.
  7. If you wear your clothes inside out and walk backwards on Halloween, you will see a witch at midnight.
  8. Halloween is the second-largest commercial holiday in the USA.
  9. Americans spend about $3 billion on candy every year.
  10. Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.


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